Monday, November 27, 2017

10 things that we should know about a Robotics competition

1. Practice makes perfect The approach makes sense if you practice more and produce outcome. This is the ultimate technique to achieving a WIN!

2. It’s a competition Don't ever forget that in the competition, you are representing your school. Do your best by all means and dedicate it to your beloved Alma Mater. Out of many schools, there are only few who will get the reward. Remember that. 😀😀😀

3. Every second counts No time to fix during the competition. If you put your robots in a bad condition and you do not understand the competition routine, you’re dead! Note that every second counts. No room for mistakes.

4. It's a Precision Game The key in winning the game is being "exact" and "accurate". Execute metrics that you will measure your performance and techniques with.
5. Team Work If a team wins, everybody wins and if you lose, appreciate everybody’s effort. Do work that matters. Expectations from each other must be clarified at the onset.

6. No Blame Game From the beginning till the end of the game, exercise and cultivate a blame-free zone.

7. Robots, People and Process Relationship Robots, People and Process are all IMPORTANT parts of the game. Understanding and making a good balance of these three will bring you beyond winning, championing your team value!

8. Take Picture and Videos
Pictures and Videos are good materials so that you can review what happened during the event. This will make you better in the next competition. Also, having a keepsake of the event or competition is always nice.

9. Always do the post mortem - After the games, team should always do the post mortem, a group discussion that tackles what went wrong and the good things done that must be continued. Learning from experience is priceless. 

 10. Enjoy and Have Fun

All work and no play makes “Jack a dull boy”! 😀😀😀  So don't bore yourselves. Have time to meet new friends and interact with other players. There's always a good karma in collaborating and smiling during the competition.

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