1. Trello can be a good front-end tool to management TODOs https://trello.com/
2. Code Version and Control, http://git-scm.com/ or https://bitbucket.org. Branching model are something to consider and are both important. Either tool can also make dev life easy (NO USB Please)
3. Mark Down Editor- http://remarkableapp.net/ This is a good writing software documentation. It will also help you when taking lecture notes.
4. For data visualization
- http://www.dbvis.com/
- http://www.mysql.com/products/workbench/
- http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php --Can be good once we Enable PhpMyAdmin’s Extra Features
Important Note: The tools will ONLY work if the team has "DISCIPLINE" and is "PASSIONATE" to make Development or Technical thing to work properly. NO Alibis!
Let's start implementing this NOW!
PS: Showcasing technical talents with modules and codes to github https://github.com will be a plus for the team.
Good Read!(Thanks to Agi)