Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Go out and Be More, Be Useful, and Be of Service

Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests, faculty members, proud parents, and, of course, the incredible graduating class, today marks a significant milestone in our lives. This graduation ceremony is not just a culmination of our academic journey but a stepping stone toward a future filled with endless possibilities.

Today, we stand on the threshold of a new beginning. Graduation is not merely a celebration of what we have achieved but a commencement of what we are about to embark upon. As we gather to mark this significant milestone, I want to share with you a mantra that has the potential to guide us through the many journeys we will undertake: 'Be More, Be Useful, and Be of Service.' This mantra encapsulates the essence of our collective experiences and our values.

Let's take a moment to cherish our shared experiences. From the first day we stepped into this institution, filled with excitement, anxiety, and dreams, to the last day, we have all grown together. We have faced uncertainties and challenges, but we have learned about resilience, compassion, and the power of community in these moments.

Allow me to share a personal story from my college years. During my fourth year of Computer Engineering, I grappled with a particularly challenging course: Thermodynamics. No matter how much I studied, the concepts seemed to elude me, and my confidence was shaken. I was on the verge of giving up, but then, a classmate who had once walked in my shoes offered his help. He dedicated hours to tutoring me, patiently explaining the material until I finally understood. This experience taught me the value of perseverance and seeking help. It was a turning point in my college journey, a lesson I carry with me today.

What struck me most was his knowledge, willingness to help, and dedication to helping someone in need. That experience taught me the value of being more than just a student; it taught me the power of service and the impact it can have on others.

As we move forward from this momentous day, remember to be more. Being more means continuously striving for personal growth. It means never settling for mediocrity and always seeking to expand our horizons. Whether through further education, learning new skills, or simply being open to new experiences, being more is about pushing our boundaries and realizing our fullest potential.

Next, let us aim to be helpful. Usefulness is about making a tangible impact in the world around us. It's about leveraging our skills, knowledge, and abilities to solve problems, innovate, and contribute positively to our communities. Being valuable means recognizing the needs around us and stepping up to address them. It's about turning our education and experiences into tools for progress.

Being useful involves taking initiative and being proactive in identifying opportunities to help. It's about seeing a challenge and not just acknowledging it, but actively working towards a solution. Whether through small daily actions or larger, long-term projects, our efforts can make a significant difference.

Let's focus on practical applications of our skills. Mentoring, volunteering, and sharing our expertise can empower others and multiply our impact. When we apply our knowledge to real-world situations, we enhance our understanding and contribute to the growth and development of those around us.

Usefulness also means being adaptable and open to learning. Our ability to adjust and find innovative solutions becomes crucial as we face new challenges. We ensure that our contributions remain relevant and impactful by staying curious and continually improving.

Ultimately, being useful is about making the world a better place through our actions. It's about creating value in every interaction, project, and endeavor we undertake. By committing to a mindset of usefulness, we can inspire others to do the same, leading to a community built on mutual support and meaningful contributions.

Finally, let us commit to service. Service is the highest form of giving. It's about putting others before ourselves and recognizing that our most outstanding achievements benefit others. Service means finding ways to make a difference through our professions, volunteer work, or everyday interactions. It's about creating a positive change in the world.

Service is a testament to our dedication to humanity. When we engage in acts of service, we are helping others and enriching our lives. Knowing we have made a positive impact fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Service allows us to connect with people from all walks of life, broadening our perspectives and deepening our empathy.

By committing to service, we embrace the idea that we are all interconnected. Our actions can ripple out to touch countless lives, no matter how small. Whether mentoring a young person, supporting a community initiative, or simply offering a kind word, each act of service contributes to a culture of care and compassion.

Service also means leading by example. When we commit to helping others, we inspire those around us to do the same. This creates a cycle of giving and support that strengthens our communities and builds a foundation of trust and cooperation.

Let us pledge to integrate service into our daily lives. This can be through professional excellence, where we go above and beyond to meet the needs of others, or through personal acts of kindness that brighten someone's day. By making service a core value, we can collectively contribute to a more just and equitable world.

In embracing service, we acknowledge that our greatest legacy will be the positive changes we help create. Together, our combined efforts can leave a lasting impact that benefits future generations. Let us commit to this noble pursuit, knowing that every act of service brings us closer to a brighter, more inclusive future.

As we look back on our college journey, we can't help but feel a profound sense of pride and accomplishment. We remember the late-night study sessions, the camaraderie of group projects, and the mentors who guided us. These experiences have equipped us with academic knowledge and shaped our character, preparing us to face challenges head-on and persevere through adversity. Your achievements, big or small, are a testament to your hard work and dedication, and you should be immensely proud of them.

One such memory from my college days that embodies this mantra occurred during a community outreach program I participated in. We were tasked with organizing a series of workshops for underprivileged children. Initially, I was apprehensive, unsure of my ability to contribute meaningfully. However, as we interacted with the children, teaching them basic skills and seeing their eyes light up with understanding and joy, I realized the impact of service. It was not about grand gestures but small, consistent acts of kindness and support.

Another vivid memory revolves around the balance between work and play during college. There's an old saying that 'all work and no play makes you a dull boy,' and I found this true. During one particularly grueling semester, my friends and I decided to form a gaming group. Every weekend, we would gather to play video games—Blizzard games like Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and even Red Alert—a much-needed break from our academic rigors. These sessions were more than just entertainment; they became a source of camaraderie and stress relief. We supported each other through challenging assignments and celebrated our small victories. This balance between work and play was crucial in keeping us motivated and mentally healthy, proving that recreation and relaxation are as important as hard work.

As you step into the next phase of your life, remember that the lessons you learned here extend far beyond the classroom. They are about empathy, perseverance, and lifting others as we climb. Every challenge you overcome, and every success you achieve can be a stepping stone for others. You have the power to make a difference, and I do not doubt that each of you will.

Embrace opportunities to be more by continuously learning and growing. Seek ways to be helpful by applying your talents to address real-world problems. Most importantly, we should serve others, for it is in serving that we find fulfillment and purpose.

As we step into the next phase of our lives, let us remember that we are not just individuals but a generation with the power to shape our nation. In a world that often emphasizes individual success, let us be the generation that values collective progress. Let us lead with integrity, act compassionately, and strive to make a difference. The world needs compassionate leaders, innovative thinkers, and dedicated individuals willing to serve. Each of you has a crucial role in this, and I do not doubt that you will rise to the occasion.

Let's talk more about my journey and how it embodies this mantra. I am the author of the book 'Ang Mahusay Online,' which promotes cyber safety. This work is a testament to my commitment to making the digital world safer for everyone. Furthermore, I am privileged to lead three companies in the technology sector: 8Layer Technologies, Inc., focusing on cybersecurity and fintech; NextBridge, a solution provider for software development; and Mara Linux and Business Solutions, Inc., dedicated to government projects. These ventures are driven by the desire to be more helpful and serve our clients and communities. My journey is a testament to the power of the mantra 'Be More, Be Useful, and Be of Service' and how it can shape our lives and careers.

Additionally, as the chartered president of the Rotary Club of QC MediaTech, I have been honored to initiate and lead projects that benefit our community. Our work in this club reflects our collective commitment to service above self. My role on the Multi-Sector Advisory Board, where I chair the Advocacy and Communication Committee, further underscores my dedication to fostering communication and promoting essential causes within our society.

Lastly, as an IT advocate, I have had the opportunity to donate software globally and teach the value of free and open-source software, cybersecurity, and the importance of an open digital world. These efforts highlight the essence of being helpful and of service, ensuring that technology can be a force for good and accessible to all. These are just a few examples of how the mantra 'Be More, Be Useful, and Be of Service' has guided my actions and shaped my career. They inspire you to find ways to embody this mantra in your future endeavors.

Moreover, our journey must also embrace the value of nation-building. As we step out into the world, let us recognize our responsibility to contribute to the development and betterment of our nation. Nation-building is more than economic progress; it fosters unity, equity, and a sense of collective purpose. We have a role in creating an inclusive, just, and prosperous society.

Being part of nation-building means being aware of the broader impact of our actions and decisions. It means using our talents and resources to address societal challenges, support sustainable development, and promote justice and equality. It's about being leaders who are not just successful but who also inspire and uplift those around them.

I encourage you to embrace this mantra: Be More, Be Useful, and Be of Service. Let it guide your actions and decisions. Let it be the foundation upon which you build your future. As we step into the next chapter of our lives, let us do so with a commitment to making the world a better place, one act of service at a time.

Congratulations, Class of 2024. The future is yours. Go out and Be More, Be Useful, and Be of Service. Thank you.

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